Series finale of The Show with Ze Frank

Today, Ze Frank will air the final episode of his much beloved Show.

I will miss it very much 😦

Ze’s site has long been my favorite time killer — my own personal pick for “Best site in all the internets.”  It started from that very first instructional video he produced, How to Dance Properly

His site back then was just a simple black page with a couple of videos. But, as his popularity grew, he began adding more and more stuff. Nothing spectacular really. Just stuff. First, it was stuff to read. Then, he began making little application-like stuff.

A lot of it made me laugh. A lot of it was just cool, creative, unique … stuff.

Then the stuff became more interactive. He began asking for participation in projects. The first one I remember is the Letter Project. Then there was the When Office Supplies Attack project, which I loved.

The Show began airing one year ago. It was just him … talking about stuff. It’s a little difficult to explain what’s so special about it … why it’s not just a video blog. But, I understand it has a daily audience of about 20,000 – 30,000 people, so I know I can’t be the only one who feels that it is. Special, that is. I have evolved a habit of watching each show the following morning. It has become as much of a part of my morning as the coffee that I’m drinking while I watch it. 

But, now that Ze has conquered the internet, he is moving on to Hollywood. I hope he finds much money and hot girls awaiting him there. I think he has earned that side of fame. After all, without him, would the earth have ever been a sandwich?  I think not.

So good luck in Tinseltown, Ze … the internets will miss you. Thanks for all the cool stuff.

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