Archive for the ‘blech’ category


March 24, 2007

Sniffle. cough. hack. cough. sniffle. sniffle. cough. hack. Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! (they always come in 3s)

It was 60 degrees out and beautiful today …

For all the good that did me 😦

I know I’m late, but I still want to play.

October 2, 2006

I got my ass kicked with work today. Bah!

Here’s a tip for my average computer illiterate customer… if you’re going to wait until you’re a few days away from that oh-so important deadline to begin even looking at that sophisticated software that you bought 9 months ago to help you make that deadline … that’s not my fault … that’s not the software’s fault … that is your OWN goddamn fault. 

When it comes to procrastination, nobody does it better than me. I can’t preach about that. But, when I dig myself into a hole with my own inertia, I know who the fuck is to blame, ok? You should too. 

And, while you’re at it, be aware that typing out your entire email in all CAPS is not going to do much to expedite your response. I like to save those emails for the very last, actually, because they make my head hurt… and they piss me off. Thank you.

This was supposed to be my C&C Monday Post, but I can’t find any good segue to get there from what actually came out when I started typing. I’m going to still try get that up later tonight, but it seems I should wait until my mood is a little better. It’s one thing to bitch and moan on my own blog … another to go hopping from blog to blog leaving little rants and raves in my wake.

If not tonight, definitely next week.

Hope your day was better.

Body worlds

August 27, 2006

Yesterday, we went to see the Body Worlds 2 exhibit that they have running at the Boston Museum of Science. For any of you unfamiliar with the exhibit, it is a display of dead, human bodies (plus one camel) that have been preserved through a process called plastination. I’m not sure, but I think plastination means to preserve the body using plastic in such a way that living people will never feel like eating again.


So, I don’t know quite what to say about this exhibit. Ewwwww comes to mind. As does the term “heebie jeebies.” But, it was also a fascinating exhibit. I was simultaneously repulsed and enthralled as I went through the displays.

There is something depressing about being reminded how much we all can resemble a juicy steak when sliced in just the right way. And something humbling about seeing the human brain laid out on a slab in deli-thin slices.

Yeah — I think, overall, it would be pretty difficult to leave this exhibit without the feeling that we are all just big hunks of meat, and that if giant, carnivorous aliens ever invade our planet, we could be in some real trouble.

One more thing to keep in mind, for any of you men who might be considering donating your bodies to plastination when you die … just know that your body will be there, on full display, in such a sad, pathetic way, that you would prefer even the way you look when getting out of a cold swimming pool … Yes, it’s anonymous … yes, you’ll be gone. But, I bet, somewhere out there, you’ll know — and it will torment you for all eternity. Think about it…